
I have had a passion for photography since I was a little girl. Taking photography courses in high school and college furthered my passion for this art. I served in the United States military after high school and have come back to know my life-long passion. I am a wife and mother. I love every minute of my crazy roller coster life. I am the girl who spends an hour getting all dressed up to blow kisses at a computer screen to the man of my life who is serving this great nation thousands of miles away. I truly believe its the little details that make up the person. I want this blog to be a place where I take hair my hair down and give you a peek into my everyday crazy wonderful life. Please feel free to leave your thoughts, as I give you mine.

Saturday, January 8, 2011

The Collection

With all my friends recently announcing their pregnancies, I thought I would develop a package where you could get every portrait you need to document the first year of life. It's so special to welcome a child to this world, and they grow up before we can realize we forgot to document it.

The Collection will be SEVEN portrait sessions in a little over 15 months!!!!
Comes with (25) Birth announcements, (25) 1st Birthday announcements
Print Package (Each session) will include (1) 11x14, (2) 5x7, (5) 4x6 and (8) wallets of your favorite pose.
A One of a kind Coffee Table Book of all the portraits taken during the Collection will also be included.

First you will start with a Maternity Session... I already know what you are thinking... "Why would I want to document my stretch marks?" There is nothing more beautiful to me than a glowing Momma awaiting her new baby. There is excitement and joy when a soon-to-be mom walks in and lights up a room!

The Newborn Session; The title speaks for itself. This session will take place no later than 10 days old. I want to capture the baby's first expressions, interactions, and bond with the family as a whole unit. This is the start of something amazing.
The Collection further consists of sessions at 3 montths, 6 months, 9 months, 12 months, and a 15 month Family Session to end out a wonderful first 15 months.

The Collection is $1250 and provides you with the ease of knowing this is one thing you do not have to stress about during the first year. It makes for an AMAZING gift to any new Mommy and Daddy!

The first three families to sign up will receive 10% OFF!!

1 comment:

brightprettythings said...

This makes me want to just get pregnant!! :)
