
I have had a passion for photography since I was a little girl. Taking photography courses in high school and college furthered my passion for this art. I served in the United States military after high school and have come back to know my life-long passion. I am a wife and mother. I love every minute of my crazy roller coster life. I am the girl who spends an hour getting all dressed up to blow kisses at a computer screen to the man of my life who is serving this great nation thousands of miles away. I truly believe its the little details that make up the person. I want this blog to be a place where I take hair my hair down and give you a peek into my everyday crazy wonderful life. Please feel free to leave your thoughts, as I give you mine.

Friday, January 30, 2009

Fire Proof

I watched a movie tonight that has shaken the way I think. I was raised in a family who I thought were Christians we went to church every Sunday and I was taught bible stories. However in the past three year (since marrying my husband) I have learned what I was taught was not how God intend it to be. You cant just show up at church on Sunday and that's it. You have to peruse him in everything you do, everyday of your life. Its not easy, often times it's the hardest thing.

The past three years have not been easy for me personally, my marriage, or career. I have lost so much to be bitter and angry (trust me I was for a long time after my USN career ended) in my childhood and in the present day. What I did not realize was God was preparing me to able to accept people again, to open up my heart, in doing that I had to let him in first. I believe God is working in my life to help me fill whole again. I know he sent my husband to walk beside me because he knew he would be the one to stick it out through the hard times.

I encourage each of you to watch this movie. It has touched me in a way that only God can.


1 comment:

like a dream photography said...

Hey! Super cool blog layout!!!! Lovin it! Dude- I watched this movie and YES, while it did have a great story line and lessons....THE ACTING WAS HORRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRIBLE! Glenn and I actually walk around the house "mimicking" the acting skills ;) hahahaha!
