The past three years have not been easy for me personally, my marriage, or career. I have lost so much to be bitter and angry (trust me I was for a long time after my USN career ended) in my childhood and in the present day. What I did not realize was God was preparing me to able to accept people again, to open up my heart, in doing that I had to let him in first. I believe God is working in my life to help me fill whole again. I know he sent my husband to walk beside me because he knew he would be the one to stick it out through the hard times.
I encourage each of you to watch this movie. It has touched me in a way that only God can.
1 comment:
Hey! Super cool blog layout!!!! Lovin it! Dude- I watched this movie and YES, while it did have a great story line and lessons....THE ACTING WAS HORRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRIBLE! Glenn and I actually walk around the house "mimicking" the acting skills ;) hahahaha!
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